“Dune” is a fragrance created by Christian Dior, which was first launched in 1991. It is an oriental floral scent that is both spicy and warm, with a touch of woodiness. The fragrance was created by Jean-Louis Sieuzac, who also created other popular fragrances such as Opium by Yves Saint Laurent and Fahrenheit by Dior.
The name “Dune” is meant to evoke the idea of an endless desert, with its vast and arid landscapes. The scent is designed to be rich and complex, with a mixture of floral, spicy, and woody notes. The top notes of the fragrance include bergamot, mandarin, palisander, aldehyde, and peony. The heart notes consist of jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, lily, wallflower, and orris root. The base notes feature sandalwood, patchouli, benzoin, vanilla, musk, and amber.
“Dune” is a sensual and elegant fragrance that is suitable for both day and evening wear. Its unique blend of ingredients gives it a sophisticated and timeless appeal that has made it a popular choice for women around the world.
Brazilian Rosewood, Aldehydes, Mandarin Orange, Bergamot, Peony, Lily, Ylang-Ylang, Wallflower, Jasmine, Rose, Sandalwood, Amber, Benzoin, Oakmoss, Vanilla, Patchouli and Musk.
Fragrance Family:
Floral, Warm